Zach Kaplan Cycles

  DBA Bay Area Recumbents and Bay Area Trikes  

Serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Mail Order

1518 Buena Vista Ave.
Alameda, CA, 94501-1218
510-522-BENT (2368)

Hours: by appointment only (see details below)

[Zach's photo of Azub Ti Fly 20 at viewpoint on Grizzly Peak Boulevard at sunset]

Dealer for  .  .  .

Recumbent bicycles:  AZUB Bacchetta HP Velotechnik Lightning

Recumbent tricycles:  AZUB CARBONTRIKE Catrike HP Velotechnik Inspired Cycle Engineering

Components and accessories: 

I use and have direct experience with all brands listed above. In addition I can supply most bicycle components and accessories on the market for conventional bikes as well as recumbents — the exceptions are those from companies that require large minimum orders.

About the shop.  Zach Kaplan Cycles is a one-person recumbent bicycle and tricycle specialist shop. I offer one-on-one recumbent consultations, test rides, and sales. So that you may benefit from my full undivided attention, everything is done by appointment. Please email or phone in advance to arrange a time to meet me.

The standard fee is $25/hour for consultations, test rides, fitting (if needed), and instruction (if needed). Anything paid for these services is credited toward the price of any recumbents or components you later buy from me.


Price matching.  I can match most any advertised or internet price on recumbents, components, or accessories.

Mail order.  I also sell by mail order, with no minimum order and no handling charge. You pay only the actual shipping cost. See details.

Forms of payment.  I accept cash, cheque, or PayPal. For your security and mine, I do not accept credit cards — but with PayPal there is really no need.

About me.  I have been riding recumbents as my primary transportation since 1992, have been in the recumbent industry since 1994, and opened my recumbent business in 1995. Not only is my daily work-commute by recumbent bike/trike, my weekend passion is long distance recumbent riding. Using a recumbent, I have completed over 100 double centuries, numerous brevets including 5 super-randonneur series (200 km - 300 km - 400 km - 600 km brevets in one season), and the world-famous 1200 km Paris-Brest-Paris brevet.

I am continually evaluating and test-riding new equipment.

With this experience base, I know what works in the real world over the long haul, and I am here to share it with you.

Freqently Asked Questions  •  Useful Links

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Web site content including photograph Copyright ©2025 Zach Kaplan Cycles